Workaholic’s Guide to the Perfect Self-Care Weekend

By The Guide
Health + Wellness

As someone who’s always juggling multiple tasks, I know how hard it can be to prioritize self-care. When you’re used to being in constant work mode, stepping away can feel uncomfortable—almost like you’re wasting time. But trust me, carving out a weekend for yourself is the best investment you can make.

Friday Evening: Disconnecting from the Grind

The hardest part of a self-care weekend is deciding when to stop working, especially if you work in a space that’s demanding 24/7. As the workday winds down, force yourself to log out of all work-related accounts. Mute notifications and place your phone far enough. It might be tough, but hey, remember you need this.

To kick things off, do something relaxing and effortless—like watching a movie with a warm blanket. For those who prefer staying in, it’s the perfect way to unwind, or you could catch up with friends if you’re heading out. Both options are a perfect way to end your Friday.

Saturday: Slowing Down on Purpose

Saturday mornings are usually the time to rush through chores or finish up work you didn’t get to during the week. But not on self-care weekend! 

Start slow—no alarms. A hearty breakfast (because workdays are often a grab-and-go affair), and then something that truly relaxes you, like a swim, spa date, doing your hair. The movement helps shake off the stress, and by the time you’re done, you’ll feel refreshed.

Also set some time aside to reflect and journal. It helps organize the chaos in your head, and take a moment to pray or meditate on what’s really important. Your faith is a grounding force in your life, so make sure to reconnect with that during my weekend.

Sunday: Preparing for the Week Ahead

By Sunday, you’re feeling a lot more at ease, but you know that Monday is coming. So, mix in some light planning, making sure to include moments for rest in your upcoming week. This day is all about balance—preparing for the grind but not jumping right back into it. Wrap up the weekend with wholesome activities like reading a book, visiting family or friends, taking an evening walk.  Allow yourself one last moment to relax before things pick up again.

Self-care weekends aren’t about doing nothing—they’re about choosing to do things that fill you up instead of draining you. As a workaholic, you need to realize that taking care of yourself allows you to show up better when you get back to work. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about finding balance.

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